Smart Energy

EnerBee, an AI-based energy management system

EnerBee helps manage all energy resources, every second of the day.
It allows all stakeholders, from the CEO to plant and engineering managers, to respond quickly to potential problems and to manage energy in financial and environmental terms.
Provides the key performance indicators and analyzes needed to strategically balance emissions, efficiency, reliability and costs.

Understanding = Energy Control

EnerBee helps energy consumers to better manage their energy resources and allows companies to:

  • improve competitiveness by giving them a complete understanding of the energy panorama of their organization;
  • provides practical tools for improving efficiency, reducing running costs, increasing productivity and improving the reliability of energy systems.

The EnerBee platform includes: analysis software, communication hardware and meters. Provides information for all energy resources. Check the key energy points 24 hours a day, then process and transform a piece of information into relevant and timely information to anyone who needs it.

Main advantages

a quick and quantifiable return on investment with both a low total cost of ownership and rich features that return multiple financial benefits;
a complete portfolio of scalable and modular components that allow a convenient expansion of the system according to needs and budget;
interoperability from start to finish for seamless integration with commercial, accounting, SCADA applications
compliance with the various standards for monitoring energy quality and measurement accuracy.

Cutting-edge technology to increase profitability

From a single plant to an entire company, the meters check the key distribution points 24 hours a day. Whether it’s generators, substations, power grids, departures, loads or third-party equipment and systems, the platform tracks, records and generates reports of all conditions in real time as well as historical data.

Intuitive web and mobile interfaces give data access to these data as well as advanced analysis, alarms and monitoring capabilities

Applications for market segments

From finance to engineering, EnerBee platform offers industry professionals the information and control necessary to support decisions and establish the best energy strategies.
Help reduce running costs and meet new emission standards without compromising production schedules or product quality.
The enterprise-level software makes it possible to maximize the use of existing energy resources, increase energy efficiency and avoid penalties due to demand or power factor.
Also useful for identifying hidden energy problems that could shorten equipment life or cause costly downtime.

  • cost allocation
  • power factor correction
  • measurement and verification
  • optimization of energy resources
  • energy quality analysis
Building managers through service personnel can reduce energy and maintenance costs without impacting the comfort or productivity of tenants, employees, students, patients or customers. The system will keep track of all user and equipment statuses and the software will analyze and improve electrical reliability.
You can predict energy requirements, optimize multi-site contracts, and accurately allocate or subdivide billing costs. Key performance indicators will help identify and sustain energy savings, reduce emissions and meet ecological building standards to increase the value of resources and attract or retain tenants.

  • cost allocation
  • energy efficiency / benchmark
  • resource optimization
  • power availability
  • answer to the question / interruption of the load
Critical infrastructures
The platform makes it possible to keep the plants operating continuously and safely with an economic energy supply. Whether managing data, communications, transport or environmental services, reducing the risk of downtime due to energy and controlling costs is a priority. One solution controls all air conditioning systems and precisely tracks energy consumption. Enterprise-level software that provides information-rich diagnostics and statistics to verify the reliability of backup systems and maximize the use of existing capacity to defer new capital investments. It is also possible to identify energy inefficiencies and strengthen the energy supply at multiple sites.

  • infrastructure optimization
  • compliance with the analysis of energy quality
  • notification of alarms and events
  • energy efficiency
  • cost allocation
  • optimization of supply

Discover the other areas of development

There are many and heterogeneous sectors in which the adoption of IoT systems generates efficiency, economic savings and improvement in working or living comfort.

Industry 4.0

Smart Home

Automotive & Sharing

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